3 Leadership Lessons From Robin Williams

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I wasn’t going to write about Robin Williams today. So much has already been said. But when I sat down to write, I couldn’t get him out of my mind. Maybe it’s because I’ve spent so much of my professional life in the comedy business, or maybe because it’s such a rare thing when a big national story hits you on a personal level. I don’t know. Anyway, I’m writing about Robin Williams.

But rather than focus on the news of ...

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How Do You Define Success?

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I’m writing this from an airport lounge, which is where I (and many of my fellow motivational speakers) spend an inordinate amount of time. There’s a TV on in the background (there’s always a TV on in the background), and I just heard the words “How do you define success?” I don’t know the context—probably a commercial for some erectile dysfunction drug (in which case, I would think that defining success would be self-evident). But it’s actually a pretty good ...

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How to Lead a Smarter Team

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As a leader, have you ever thought, “I wish my team were smarter?” (And, if so, hopefully you only thought it!) Well, it turns out there’s a way to increase the overall intelligence of your team—and it’s a way that many leaders unconsciously ignore.


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Leading Change: The Missing Step

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[Tweet ” Leading a team through change can be difficult, rewarding, messy, profitable, and frustrating.”]Leading a team through change can be difficult, rewarding, messy, profitable, frustrating, and fruitful. But no matter what the experience, it will all be for naught if the leader misses one crucial step of the process—a step that, unfortunately, most leaders do miss.

Sadly, I speak from experience. During my fifteen years as the Executive Producer of Seattle’s sketch comedy TV show Almost Live!, I led my ...

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Are You Really Focusing on Your “A” Clients?

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I was talking to my friend and colleague Lewin Williams yesterday. Lewin is a financial services consultant who helps other financial services consultants improve their business. Lewin’s philosophy—the one that has made a big difference for his clients—is simply this:

Focus on your “A” clients.

Now that sounds simple and obvious, doesn’t it? Focus on the 20% of your clients who bring in 80% of the results. Obvious, right?

Except that it isn’t.

If it were really that obvious, everyone would be doing it, ...

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Do You Know What Mastery Looks Like?

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So I had a birthday last week…

YOU: “How old are you?”

motivational speaker Bill StaintonDoesn’t matter. Anyway, I happened to be in San Diego for the annual convention of my industry organization, the National Speakers Association, and a group of friends (and soon-to-be-friends) took me out to a nice little restaurant for dinner. We got a private room in the back, about ...

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