How Do I Get Buy In From My Team?

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You've come up with a great, innovative idea! Hooray! But your team's not buying in to it. Boo hiss. So let's answer the question once and for all: "How do I get BUY-IN from my team?"

If you're a video person, I lay it all out in the video below. If reading is more your thing, skip the video and hop straight to ...

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Innovation and Diversity

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The numbers don't lie: diverse teams are more innovative, and lead to a much higher ROI. In this video, I talk about the two types of diversity you should have on your team.

If you're a video person, I lay it all out in the video below. If reading is more your thing, skip the video and hop straight to the transcript below!

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Why Your Innovation Initiative Doesn’t Last

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Have you ever tried to implement an innovative change (with your team, perhaps?), only to find that things gradually regress to the way they were before? Maybe the problem is that you're declaring victory too early.

If you're a video person, I lay it all out in the video below. If reading is more your thing, skip the video and hop straight to ...

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