What Are You Doing EVERY DAY?

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How long would it take you to write twenty monolog jokes for The Tonight Show?

For some of you the answer might be, “Maybe a day.” For others, it might be, “A million years.”

I used to be able to do it in roughly 30 minutes.

And these are real jokes, for the real Tonight Show.

It was back in the Jay Leno days, when I was producing my own comedy TV show in Seattle. Jay was a friend of the show, and he ...

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What You Want Your Competitors To Be Thinking

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Here is what you want your competitors to be thinking right now:

“Boy, things are really uncertain. The economy is topsy-turvy, flights are being canceled right and left, and the country is reeling. We should probably hold off on any ‘frivolous’ expenses—like innovation—until things settle down.”

That’s what you want your competitors to be thinking right now.

Because right now is exactly when you should be doubling down on innovation.

In uncertain times, the innovative companies win. In fact, it’s often a double win, ...

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Are You Listening To The Quiet People?

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Here’s a great time-saver for all of you leaders who are looking for innovative ideas from your team. Don’t bother listening to:

·     the quiet people
·     people who are new to the organization
·     lower-paid team members
·     lower-ranked team members
·     interns
·     introverts

These people never have good ideas. At least, that’s what you might conclude if you were a fly on the wall in a typical corporate team meeting.

If you were that fly, you’d be forgiven for concluding that the only ideas that matter ...

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Innovation: It’s Not Just For Innovators Anymore!

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Innovation: It’s not just for innovators anymore.

When I worked in a large TV station, we had a department that was called “Creative Services.” I always thought that was a bit strange. This was television, after all—aren’t ALL of us in “creative services”?

But so many people (and so many companies) go through life believing that “creativity” and “innovation” should be relegated to the “wacky few.” So many leaders seem to have an attitude of, “Don’t talk to me about innovation; that’s ...

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How Do I Get Buy In From My Team?

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You've come up with a great, innovative idea! Hooray! But your team's not buying in to it. Boo hiss. So let's answer the question once and for all: "How do I get BUY-IN from my team?"

If you're a video person, I lay it all out in the video below. If reading is more your thing, skip the video and hop straight to ...

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Reactive vs. Proactive Innovation

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As I work with organizations to help them become more innovative, I see two primary types of innovation: reactive and proactive. The process for each is similar, but the mindset is completely different.

If you're a video person, I lay it all out in the video below. If reading is more your thing, skip the video and hop straight to the transcript below!

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Innovation and Diversity

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The numbers don't lie: diverse teams are more innovative, and lead to a much higher ROI. In this video, I talk about the two types of diversity you should have on your team.

If you're a video person, I lay it all out in the video below. If reading is more your thing, skip the video and hop straight to the transcript below!

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Innovation Is Not an Event!

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If you go back far enough into virtually any company's DNA, you'll find a foundation of innovation. Companies are born out of innovative ideas. But sometimes that innovative DNA gets lost, and innovation becomes nothing more than a sporadic event, a reaction. It's time to change that!

If you're a video person, I lay it all out in the video below. If reading ...

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