The Myth of Producing Better Under Pressure

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They are the heroes, the icons, the legends. They are the leaders in sports, science, and business who “rise to the occasion.” The ones who “do their best work under pressure.” People write books and make movies about these singular luminaries.

The only problem is that it’s not true.

Despite what we’d like to believe (because it makes for a great story), people do not “rise to the occasion.” “Rising to the occasion” implies that some people do their best work under ...

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How To Overcome The 5 Pressures Of Leadership

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Leadership is not for wimps.

Wimps don’t like pressure, and leadership is all about pressure. When I was leading my TV team to over 100 Emmy Awards and 10 straight years of #1 ratings, there wasn’t a single week where I didn’t feel pressure—sometimes extreme pressure!

It’s probably the same for you too, isn’t it?

Now, your specific pressures may not be the same ...

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The Most Important Thing To Do When You Are Leading Under Pressure

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What do you do when your plans are falling apart, the clock is ticking, and everyone is looking at you for decisions, answers, and leadership?

Have you been there?

That was my world, every week, for fifteen years. For fifteen years, I was the Executive Producer of a hit comedy TV show in Seattle, Washington. Think Saturday Night Live, but on a local level. Granted, the stakes weren’t as high as if I’d been, for example, a military general or a heart ...

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