Why Believing Your Own Hype Will Make You Choke Under Pressure

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The stories are legendary.

  • Abraham Lincoln loses his run for the Senate…twice. And goes on to become our greatest president.
  • A young Robert De Niro gets passed over for the role of a lifetime as Sonny Corleone in The Godfather. And goes on to become one of the greatest actors of his era.
  • Steve Jobs, in 1985, gets booted out of the company he founded…Apple. He returns in 1997. And goes on to rebuild what will become the first $1 trillion public US ...
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How To Keep Your Team From Freezing Under Pressure

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First question: Have you ever played poker? I mean real poker, with real money at stake. (“Real” money, of course, being a relative term—primarily relative to your current net worth.)

Second question: Have you ever been losing at poker, with real money at stake?

You play differently when you’re losing than when you’re winning, don’t you? That’s because there’s more pressure when you’re losing.

And when the pressure’s on—when the stakes are the highest—we tend to play more conservatively. We take fewer chances. ...

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How Not To Kill The Astronauts On Your Team

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Have you seen the movie Apollo 13? In case you’re unfamiliar with it, it is not the sequel to Apollos 1 through 12. It’s a nail-biter of a movie that tells the true story of the ill-fated—and almost disastrous—Apollo 13 mission to the moon. At the risk of ruining it for you, the crew of Apollo 13 never made it to the moon. Instead, they nearly died when an onboard explosion made it virtually impossible for them to return safely ...

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How To Feel Great in A High-Pressure Situation

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Imagine you’re in this situation. You’re a professional hockey player. You’re playing in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. It’s the deciding game; you’re in overtime. There are 10 seconds left, and suddenly, one of your teammates passes the puck to you.

What would you do? Would you panic? Would you choke? Would you rise to the occasion and save the day?

How would you feel? Nervous? Alarmed? Excited? Confident?

Overtime in the deciding game, 10 seconds on the clock…and it’s all up to you.

That’s ...

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The Best Way To Deal With A High-Pressure Situation

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A friend of mine got a flat tire on the way to the airport last week. It was a crisis, and she missed her flight.

I got a flat tire on the way to the airport several years ago. It was an inconvenience, and I made my flight.

What was the difference between the two incidents?


When I have an important flight, I get to the airport ridiculously early. My travel mantra is, “I’d rather be bored at the airport than panicked on ...

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What The “Mission: Impossible” Movies Can Teach You About Pressure

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I just saw the new Mission: Impossible movie. I’m not going to give anything away here (because you may not have seen it yet, and besides, I’m not that kind of a jerk), but it is absolutely filled with high-pressure situations!

As in the previous five installments, Tom Cruise plays Ethan Hunt. And, as in the previous five installments, there’s a lot at stake. What I find interesting, though, is that the three elements that create a high-pressure situation for Ethan ...

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The Danger Of High-Pressure Focus

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On December 29, 1972, Eastern Air Lines Flight 401 crashed into the Florida Everglades, killing more than 100 passengers and crew members. That, of course, would be tragic under any circumstances. What makes this incident doubly tragic, though, is that the accident was entirely preventable. In fact, had the story had a happier outcome, the cause of the crash would have been almost laughable.

So why did Eastern Air Lines Flight 401 crash?

Because the two pilots were too busy trying to ...

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How Not To Make A Decision Under Pressure

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Fight or flight? This way or that way? Yes or no?

Each of these three questions describes a brain under pressure. Could be your brain, could be mine. When it comes to pressure situations, we all tend to default to the same mode: a binary mode.

In other words, when we’re under pressure and need to make a decision, we all have a tendency to simplify the situation to two choices, and ...

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How To Lead A More Effective Team By Disagreeing

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It’s great when people agree with you, isn’t it? It’s a wonderful validation — of your thoughts, your ideas…of you. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Yes, it’s great when people agree with you.

Except it doesn’t move the needle. Especially when the agreement comes too early.

There’s a great scene in the old TV series The West Wing. Leo McGarry is the Chief of Staff to liberal Democratic president Jed Bartlet. In this scene, Leo is offering a ...

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How To Not Crash The Airplane Under Pressure

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Let me give you a hypothetical high-pressure situation.

You’re the pilot of a small, single-engine airplane. You take off, alone, in this single-engine airplane, and head out over a large body of open water. At about 800 feet above this water, your single engine starts to sound funny (and not in a “ha-ha” way), and you notice you’re not gaining altitude at the rate you should be. At around 1200 feet above the water, your single engine quits.

This is a high-pressure ...

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