Why the Richest Man in the World Might Hate Your Ideas

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There’s this company based not too far from me in downtown Seattle that routinely makes the Top 10 lists of Most Innovative Companies. You might have heard of it.

It’s called Amazon.

Amazon is run by the richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos. Bezos took the crown away from the previous richest man, Bill Gates (who also lives relatively close to me, albeit in a slightly more upscale neighborhood).

So Jeff Bezos is one ...

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The Big Choice That You Need To Make Now!

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You have a choice.

Right now.

You have a choice over how you will spend this unique moment in history.

Right now, most of us are in some version of a quarantine, self-isolation, or stay-at-home mandate. Like me, you have a choice over what you will do with this extraordinary block of time. And your choice is this:

Will you shut down, or will you ramp up?

You can use this unique moment in history as an opportunity to relax, chill out, and binge watch ...

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3 Ways Travel Makes You a Better Leader

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Can a vacation make you a better leader? Absolutely! In fact, travel (especially international travel) provides numerous leadership lessons. Here are just three of them.


Now it’s your turn. What experiences have you had while traveling that have made you a better leader? Share your thoughts in the Comments section below!

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Do You Know What Mastery Looks Like?

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So I had a birthday last week…

YOU: “How old are you?”

motivational speaker Bill StaintonDoesn’t matter. Anyway, I happened to be in San Diego for the annual convention of my industry organization, the National Speakers Association, and a group of friends (and soon-to-be-friends) took me out to a nice little restaurant for dinner. We got a private room in the back, about ...

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For Leaders: A License to Learn

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I got my pilot’s license back in 1984 (which is amazing, because normally they don’t allow 3-year olds to fly airplanes). When the FAA examiner signed my logbook certifying that I was now an official, licensed private pilot, he said something to me that I didn’t take all that seriously at the time. What he said was:

“This is a license to ...

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The Tao of Reading

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I was struck this morning by a LinkedIn posting by my friend and colleague Eileen McDargh. Here’s what she wrote:

Get in control by reading only what matters. And what matters concerns your business, your future, your soul.

Another friend and colleague of mine, the late Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, was famous for saying:

You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and ...

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Are You Truly Informed?

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Seth Godin wrote an interesting blog today pondering whether there will ever be a time when being uninformed is cause for shame. It’s a good question, particularly in a culture that seems to equate “uninformed” with “real.” A culture that thinks having an “elite education” is a bad thing (and it’s especially galling when ...

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