How Do I Get Buy In From My Team?

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You've come up with a great, innovative idea! Hooray! But your team's not buying in to it. Boo hiss. So let's answer the question once and for all: "How do I get BUY-IN from my team?"

If you're a video person, I lay it all out in the video below. If reading is more your thing, skip the video and hop straight to ...

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How to Lead a Smarter Team

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As a leader, have you ever thought, “I wish my team were smarter?” (And, if so, hopefully you only thought it!) Well, it turns out there’s a way to increase the overall intelligence of your team—and it’s a way that many leaders unconsciously ignore.


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How to Be Both Leader and Team Member

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Big Leadership Question #1:

Can you be both the leader of, and an equal member of, a work team?

Big Leadership Question #2:


For those of you who are scratching your heads and saying, “What the hell is he talking about?” let me explain.

Motivational Speaker Bill StaintonFor 15 years I was the executive producer of a sketch comedy TV show called Almost Live! But for those same 15 years, I was also one of the ...

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The Secret to Successful Teams is in the Numbers

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Because I apparently have trouble saying no, I’ve been a member of several boards of directors (or, in some cases, boards of trustees, although the differences, as far as I could tell, were negligible). Some of these boards were more dysfunctional than others. Eventually I noticed that as the size of the board increased (i.e., number of people), so did the dysfunction. According to the research, the same is true of nearly all work teams.

So now, as a writer, I ...

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