How To Make Your Business Thrive Through A Crisis

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During times of crisis (like, say, a global pandemic), some organizations (businesses, community groups, associations, etc.) will fold, while others will flourish. This has been true throughout history.

So what is it that separates the two? Luck? Timing? A smile from the Fates?

My research shows that, more than anything else, one single trait makes the difference. One asset — which is completely free and is available to anyone — separates the organizations that ...

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An Innovative Cure For The Coronavirus Blues

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Let’s not beat around the bush. We are going through an unimaginably (at least until recently) difficult time — a time that requires innovative thinking. At some point, of course, the news will start to get better. But as of now, it just seems to be getting worse and worse.

It’s difficult to take. It’s all too easy (and perfectly justifiable) to fall into despair, or even depression. And there’s a certain part of that that’s appropriate. It’s part of the ...

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Why the Richest Man in the World Might Hate Your Ideas

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There’s this company based not too far from me in downtown Seattle that routinely makes the Top 10 lists of Most Innovative Companies. You might have heard of it.

It’s called Amazon.

Amazon is run by the richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos. Bezos took the crown away from the previous richest man, Bill Gates (who also lives relatively close to me, albeit in a slightly more upscale neighborhood).

So Jeff Bezos is one ...

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The Big Choice That You Need To Make Now!

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You have a choice.

Right now.

You have a choice over how you will spend this unique moment in history.

Right now, most of us are in some version of a quarantine, self-isolation, or stay-at-home mandate. Like me, you have a choice over what you will do with this extraordinary block of time. And your choice is this:

Will you shut down, or will you ramp up?

You can use this unique moment in history as an opportunity to relax, chill out, and binge watch ...

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In a Time of Crisis, You Need Innovation!

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There’s a good chance that the coronavirus — COVID-19 — is disrupting your business and your life. It’s certainly disrupting mine. As a keynote speaker on innovation, I work in the meetings industry. In other words, I work in an industry that is predicated on large numbers of people gathering together in a single place. And we all know how that’s going right now.

The disruption might be different in your world. Perhaps you’ve been affected by supply chain issues. If ...

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