Every now and then, we motivational speakers get what we in the trade call “a really good gig.” I just returned from one of these. For most of the past week, I was on a luxury cruise to Bermuda with the top dealers for Clopay Garage Doors. I did a keynote program, a workshop, and a few other things here and there, but this was really all about them. And to me, one of the most memorable events (in a series of memorable events!) was the Gala Awards Ceremony on Tuesday evening.
Keeping in mind that the dealers on this cruise were already the best of the best, this ceremony was when we recognized and honored the “best of the best” of the “best of the best.” They got the full red carpet treatment (literally!); the captain of the ship even stopped in to congratulate the winners. It was a night that brought everybody together and truly honored the team.
So here’s my question for you. How are you recognizing and honoring the members of your team? Or perhaps I should ask, are you recognizing and honoring the members of your team? Too often as leaders we fail to do this. It’s not that we’re terrible people (unless you are a terrible person, in which case, that’s it); it’s just that we don’t think about it. It’s not top of mind. Our default seems to be the “everything’s fine, and if it’s not, I’ll tell them” school of leadership.
If that describes you, you need to find a better school.
Look, I’m not saying you have to take everybody on an all-expense-paid 5-day cruise to Bermuda. (Although if you want to, and you’re looking for a speaker, I’d be happy to help out!) It can be as simple as writing a message on a Post-It®:
Barbara – You really hit it out of the park in the sales meeting today! I’m proud of you!
Then just stick the Post-It® (notice how good I’m being with the registered trademark thing) in the workplace where Barbara will see it. You’ll be amazed at what a big difference this small gesture will make.
Whether you decide to go all out, as Clopay did, or make a smaller, but no less heartfelt, gesture, recognizing and honoring the members of your team will be one of the best investments you can possibly make.
And if you haven’t been to Bermuda, you should go. And take me with you.
About the Author:
29-time Emmy Award winner and Hall of Fame keynote speaker Bill Stainton, CSP is an expert on Innovation, Creativity, and Breakthrough Thinking. He helps leaders and their teams come up with innovative solutions — on demand — to their most challenging problems.