I used to believe that squabbles, dissent, and fighting among my team members was a bad thing, but not any more. In fact, team in-fighting can be one of your greatest leadership allies!
Now it’s your turn. What experience have you had when a disagreement within your team has led to a better outcome? Let us know about it in the Comments section below.
Hello Mr. Stainton,
I’ve just finished reading John Cleese’s autobiography & he couldn’t agree more with you on this. Cleese states that if every writer he’s every worked with completely agreed with each other, the results would not have been as good as they were. Not seeing eye-to-eye leads to a finer creativity & better results. At least for comedy – not sure about baking!
Hi Deron,
It’s always nice when one of my idols, like John Cleese, validates something I’ve said. Thanks so much for sharing that with me! I haven’t read his autobiography yet, although it’s on my bookshelf. Have you read Michael Palin’s comments about it (and about Cleese)?